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  • Writer's picturebhavesh jame

On-Page SEO List Guide

Lets recap a little bit about SEO. SEO is a process for ranking a website on the top search engine result page for a query searched by a user. For starting a SEO process there are two steps On-Page, Off-Page SEO. If you want to rank our website on the higher position of google pages you need to know What is SEO and how it works . In this blog we are going to describe what is On-Page SEO and On-Page SEO Factors which would be useful for us.

  • Title Tag

The title tag is used as the title of the website which is a clickable link on SERP. Size of the title should be between 50-60 characters ad should also include target primary and secondary keywords in it.

  • Description Tag

It is a short summary of the whole website, which is seen on the SERP. The character length should be between 155-160. Even the description tag should have the targeting primary and secondary keywords mentioned in it as well.

  • H1 Tag

H1 tag (Header Tag) should be used only once on a single page. The tag should include your niche or the primary keyword you are looking to target the website.

  • H2 Tag

Every page on the website should have a maximum of two H2 tags. These tags should include a secondary keyword which we are targeting for the website.

  • Alt Tag

In a website, the image we used should have an Alt tag which can include a keyword or a word which the image represents. Image compress. Every image uploaded on the website should be compressed for the minimum image size it can be.

  • Image

The image which we will be using should be minimum in size. Having a image with smaller size helps in the loading speed of the website.

  • Mobile-Friendly

Every website should be mobile friendly because many users will be visiting the website with mobile browsers as well.

  • Loading Speed

The loading speed of the website should be high because users need to consume data fast. If the website takes a lot of time to load the user might close the website which affects the quality of the website.

  • Quality Content

If you are creating a new website. The content you are creating should be checked for plagiarism because google only recognizes a website with original and plagiarism free content. The content on the page should be of good quality.

  • Internal Linking

The website should have internal links which can take a user from one page to another inside a website. from one service page to another.

  • Favicon

It is a small icon which gets displayed on the browser from which you are visiting the website.

  • Canonical Tag

Canonical tags are used because it helps represent google crawler which content is original from the duplicated content.

  • Friendly URL

In a Website, the secondary pages should also have short and easy and keyword rich and should meet the needs of the users and their searches.

  • Schema Markup

Schema markup source code is used to create snippets on google search for your website. It is technical work to be done.

  • Sitemap

A sitemap is a file of .exe extension which stores the details of every page on a particular website. It is submitted on the search console. It helps the google crawler to index the page on the website.

  • Robots

Robots is a file which has an extension of .txt. It is a file on which you can command a crawler when it visits your website about the pages it can visit and cannot visit. It is also submitted on the search console.

  • SSL

SSL certificate is used for a secure connection on the site with user and website databases where the data of the users are kept secure. It also has advantages on ranking a website higher on SERP because google gives priority to that website which has an SSL certificate installed on it.

  • Google search Console

Every website should have a search console code embedded in it which is used to find the error present on the website or not indexed by the google bots and indirect help to block a web page from appearing on google SERP. There will be a separate blog for Search console.

  • Google Analytics

As every website should have search console code embedded in it in the same way it should have google analytics code also embedded in it. In a simple sentence, google analytics is used to find the number of users visiting the website and from which users. There will be another blog for Google analytics as well.

Hiring a SEO Agency in Navi Mumbai, will help you to rank in a higher position on SERP.

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