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What is Off-Page SEO - Guide

Ranking a website on top of a page is achieved with the help of On-Page and Off-Page SEO techniques. There are many steps for starting the SEO for a website. Before you begin with your work on the OFF PAGE part for the website you need to complete the ON-PAGE SEO task.

OFF-PAGE SEO is work done away from the website. It mainly includes Link Building techniques. Generating a link back to the website from the high-quality websites will indirectly help the website to appear on higher SERP. Linking back to your website is a time-consuming process that takes months to show the result. Linking back to the website should be done with the help of high-quality websites. You can acquire the link with two types of link building processes White Hat SEO, Gray Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. But working with the Black Hat method can land the website in trouble and even get banned or penalized, indirectly impacting its Google ranking. Gray Hat SEO is a combination of Black Hat and White Hat SEO combined. It is advisable to only work with the white hat method, keeping in mind that linking High-quality web pages to the website. The OFF-PAGE SEO work consists of different types of Link submission and acquiring a do-follow link from other websites. Off PAGE SEO has different link building techniques which can be used. Learning different types of OFF PAGE SEO factors is very important for the linking building process and website ranking.

Some of the methods of link building or Off-Page SEO is creating backlinks to your website like:

  • Social Bookmarking Submission

  • Profile Creation

  • Directory Submission

  • Ping Submission

  • Website 2.0 Creation

  • Q&A Forum

  • Social Media Engagement

  • PDF Submission

  • Article Submission

  • Blog Submission

  • Blog Commenting

  • Infographics Submission

  • Image Submission

  • Video Submission

  • Press Release

Off-Page is the hard work behind the successful SEO strategy which has been created by the team to rank on the top of the search result page for a search query with a help of an SEO Company in Navi Mumbai which has extensive knowledge of On-Page and Off-page will get website rank on top of SERP.

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